Brandon really liked the key-note speaker at the Medi convention. His emphasis was on how to better use the left side of the brain by tapping into the right. He painted a picture of John Lennon in the time it took to play one of his songs. Later in the presentation, he told the audience that they were going to play "fear factor". He threw out a little football which landed in the seat next to Brandon. The guy that got it quickly put it into Brandon's lap so he wouldn't have to be the "fear factor" volunteer. When the speaker got out to Brandon he told him that he could delegate, if he chose to, and give the ball to someone else. Brandon chose to do it himself and the fear factor turned out to be him receiving the John Lennon painting for doing nothing. The speaker said only 5% of his volunteers don't use their delegation privilege. Good work, love. The painting is huge and is being shipped out to us next week. Brandon is set on putting it somewhere in our house, but I'm pretty sure the only place it's going to fit is on our ceiling.
This is Brandon and Erin during the simulator competition. They didn't win the competition like everyone expected they would, but Brandon was glad about it because he said he learned a lot more by not winning than he would if they had. Good sport.