Friday, June 19, 2015

Cora Belle's Birth Story

Cora Belle’s Birth Story

I think growing a baby and giving birth is such a mind boggling, miraculous event.  I can’t believe my body has done it three times now! Each experience was magical in its own way, and I will always look back with fondness and even reverence on those memories.  But this time I decided to get with it and do something I should have done with all of them....write it down!  I don’t ever want to forget.  So here goes...

My due date (March 28th) came and went just like my previous due dates did.  Brandon and I went on our traditional due date hike (this time on a very steep hike up to the Pleasant Grove “G”) to try to get things going, but to no avail.  I had been having false labor for days with hours of 3-5 minute apart contractions, but they never stayed long enough to get my baby fact, even after all of what I thought each time was real labor, I remained dilated to only a 1 the entire time!  It frustrated the snot out of me!  My mom had set up camp at our house a couple days before my due date so she could take care of my boys when the time came.  And so we waited.  One day passed, then another, then another… 

On the 2nd of April, Brandon and I went to my post due date check-up hoping my midwife would tell me that I was dilated to a 6 and I could just walk right over to the hospital.  I had been having good contractions all day, so when she told me that I was only a 2 and then had me set up my next appointment with an ultrasound to make sure baby was okay, I was SUPER bummed to say the least.  I didn’t want to go to another check-up...I JUST WANTED MY BABY!!!

After my bummer check-up, we stopped at Walmart to get Easter candy for the boys.  My contractions were still coming and were strong enough that I had to stop walking to get through them, but I wasn’t excited, or happy, or hopeful... I was ticked off.  I had been having these type of contractions for the last 2 weeks and they weren’t doing ANYTHING.  They hadn’t dilated me and they hadn’t produced any babies.  They came, they got my hopes up, and then they left and made me cry from disappointment.  I was mad at my contractions! 

When we got home, my hyper little boys jumped all over me while I pretended like I wasn’t hurting...I wasn’t about to get anyone’s hopes up again...especially my own.  I made dinner, we did our bedtime routine with the boys, and put them to bed.  Brandon and I had rented a movie (Into The Woods) since we obviously weren’t going to be going to the hospital anytime soon, according to my check-up, so we snuggled up and started watching.  It was a pretty lame movie, but it distracted me for a little while until I realized my contractions had a new feeling...and they were getting stronger with each one.  I finally told Brandon that I didn’t think these contractions were going to go away like the other times, but since I didn’t trust my judgement anymore, I had him check me to know for sure (perks of being married to a nurse).  When he told me I was dilated to about a 5, a flood of excitement swept over me...this time it was was finally happening!!!

Brandon called our midwife and told her I was in labor but that we were going to stay home a little longer.  Then he gave me a very comforting Priesthood blessing before we got our things together.  When everything was ready to go, I got my exercise ball and my ear buds and started listening to the visualization scripts Brandon had recorded for me (because if there’s one thing that calms’s his deep, comforting voice)while I rocked back and forth on my knees hugging my exercise ball.  My sweet mom rubbed my back through every contraction, and even though they were strong, I was SO happy and calm.  I loved laboring in the peace of my own home and discovered that if I smiled through a contraction that it somehow didn’t hurt as much...not saying it felt good, just better...and happier :).  

It wasn’t too long until I felt like we should go to the hospital because I really didn’t want to transition in the car.  Brandon had already called the hospital and told them I was definitely in labor and wouldn’t need the triage room, so they had a delivery room all ready for me when we got there just after midnight.  The nurses were super efficient and very supportive.  They got my dose of antibiotics in me for my Strep B and then took my IV out so that I could walk around as I pleased.  Our sweet midwife, Claudia, sat with us and talked about knitting  slippers and such things in between contractions, and then gave counter pressure on my knees while Brandon pushed on my back as I sat on an exercise ball through contractions.  They were both so great!

After a little while, I decided I may want to try getting in the tub (I have always wanted to try laboring in water).  So my midwife suggested we see what I was dilated to to ensure we had enough time.  I was at an 8+ so we changed our game plan and got ready to deliver instead...a much better plan.  

I had a few more really strong contractions before I felt her move down and started to feel the urge to “push”. This is my favorite part because the pressure of a little head trying to push its way out somehow seems to numb the pain a little to me, AND I know I’m about to see my baby!!!  At this point Brandon had moved from the side of me to a little further south where my midwife was.  I was totally in my own world with my eyes sealed shut listening to Brandon’s voice recordings and humming like I always do (I know it’s weird, but it’s better than screaming), so I didn’t mind that he left my side.  And then it was time...that little girl wanted out!  I only “pushed” one time, but it felt like it was minutes long (although it was probably less).  My midwife encouraged me to go slow and even pushed baby Cora’s head back in a little to be sure I went slow enough not to tear.  She also had Brandon front and center and pretty much let him deliver his little baby girl. Little Cora came out right into her daddy’s arms at 1:51 am and then straight onto my chest.  It was magical!  I finally got to meet my precious Cora Belle!

After the cord was cut and she was cleaned off (still laying on my chest) the nurses weighed her and put her right back on me.  She weighed 7 lbs 8 oz, and measured 19 inches long...a pound heavier than her brothers!  And then it was snug time.  The best!!!  She was so perfect to me and I never wanted to let her go.  So we snugged and nursed for the next hour until the nurses came to take us to the Mother/Baby unit.  I felt great and was able to walk just fine, although I was still shaking like crazy from all the adrenalin.  So they wheeled me into our new room and covered me in the most deliciously warm blankets.  Brandon went with Cora to give her her first bath and then brought her back to me. I was warm and cozy and had a precious little girl in my arms, and I was in HEAVEN!  

There is nothing to describe the feeling that a newborn brings with them.  It’s one of the closest thing to Heaven that I have ever felt.  And then seeing her in her daddy’s arms is almost too much!  The exhaustion and stress of caring for a newborn shortly follows, but those moments are irreplaceable.  I will NEVER regret this!  Never!

Monday, March 12, 2012

What A Beautiful Mess

Only Carson could create such a sight and have it look beautiful to me.  True, I don't always love putting away everything he empties out of the cupboards and drawers only to find them all over the floor again two minutes later, but I do love watching him find so much joy in doing it.  I sometimes wonder why anybody buys children expensive toys... Household items have ALWAYS been Carson's preference.  We sure love this kid!

Carson and his cute cousin Serella.

 Grandma Jo came into town from Grand Junction, CO.  This was the first time Carson had ever met his Great Grandma and he liked her a lot.  It was so cute to watch them play together.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Catching Up

Mommy loves her little boy!

Carson is 8 months old and is our little pride and joy.  We love him so much and are so grateful that he is a part of our family.  He is a mover so he has already got a few battle wounds.  The wound above happened when he pulled a wooden stool on top of him as he was pulling himself up on it.  The wood top hit him right between the eyes and he didn't enjoy it one bit.  He sure is a cute little guy!
One of the perks of our new place is that it is right across the street from the chapel we go to.  Not only is it convenient on Sundays, but it has become an almost daily place for us to go to play basketball.  Brandon and I both love to play and Carson is a huge fan of crawling around on the pavement and exploring the new territory. 

Carson loves his bath time and especially his new alphabet toys that Grandma Toni gave him. 

Am I tricky or what?
I can't believe how fast our little boy is growing up!  He is on the go CONSTANTLY and climbs up on everything he can get his hands on (stable or not).  His new favorite trick is when I stand him up against the wall for him to lean on.  He loves that he can stand without using his hands to hold him up.  He also loves wacking the back of his head against the wall over and over again. :) He is a funny and very entertaining little boy!
Once Carson has got his sight set on something, it is very hard to keep him from it.  He is a go getter and we love his enthusiasm....except for when we are trying to change his diaper..... or keep him from the garbage cans...or the toilet...or the lamps....... :)
Carson wasn't a huge fan of posing for the camera with Grandma Wendy's Birthday sign, but he certainly enjoyed eating it!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Growing Up Fast

I don't have much time to blog these days, but I thought I'd post a few pictures of our cute little guy. We love him so much and love seeing his personality grow. He's going to be a fun little kid. He is now almost 7 weeks old and already weighs a good 11-12 lbs. He's almost doubled his birth weight which we are super happy about. Mom and dad are doing well too. Brandon started working at the VA hospital in Salt Lake and commutes up there to work 12 hour night shifts. He is very busy and we miss him a lot when he's gone, but he is learning a ton and loving the work. We sure love him and appreciate how hard he works. He is such a good husband and daddy. I don't have to commute anywhere, but I also stay pretty busy taking care of our cute son. We are very blessed. Life is good.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Our Little Baby Carson

Our precious little Carson decided to join our family on Tuesday, June 7th at 9:30 pm. He weighed 6 lbs and 6 ounces and measured 19 inches long. We had an amazing midwife and nurse who were both so encouraging and supportive of natural birth. I don't know how I would have done it without them and especially Brandon. They all looked like angels to me. It was one of the most amazing experiences of my life to bring this little guy into the world.

This picture was taken at our check-up just a few hours before Carson was born. I was having contractions earlier that morning, but they had slowed quite a bit, so we went on with our day as normal. At our check-up, I was dilated to a 5 and 95% effaced. We went into the hospital a couple of hours after we returned home at about 5 pm and delivered 4 1/2 hrs later.
Little Carson right after birth. He had the cord wrapped around his neck twice and had one of his arms up and ready to enter the world.

He loves his daddy and looks just like him.

We sure like our precious boy!!!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Day Trip to Salt Lake

Brandon and I took a day trip to Salt Lake on a Saturday and went to our first rugby games. We watched a couple of championship games, BYU being one of them, and are now fully converted to the sport. pansies in this sport. Ouch!

This is the only picture we got out of the day. We went to a park before the BYU game and downed a chicken. We've become quite the fans of rotisserie chicken. Our little boy likes them too!

High Adventure

Brandon and I went on such a pretty hike up above the Provo Temple the other day after the rain let up. Everything thing looked BEAUTIFUL up there!

This is Brandon holding onto a bush for dear life as he slid down this very steep hill of mud. Pretty funny!

Secret cave! wasn't as scary as my face says it was.

Doing a little jig on a hill he climbed. :)

Brandon thought it would be a good idea to imitate all of my big-bellied poses, and I must say, he did a pretty good job. :) Silly boy.

What a fun little adventure we had!